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Reglas de origen de tratados de libre comercio: efectos sobre el uso de factores internos de la producción
Juan de Dios Enrique Rosellón Díaz
Acceso Abierto
Free trade -- Effect of certificates of origin on -- Mexico -- Mathematical models.
This paper addresses the effect of rules of origin regulations on the use of domestic factors of production in the country of origin. In the case of a firm that is a perfect competitor in the final product market, these regulations have two effects: first there is a direct substitution effect due to the regulation that will increase the use of the domestic factor and second, there is an indirect output effect due to the increased cost that will reduce the demand for the domestic factor. In the case of a firm that has a monopoly power in the final product market, the declining marginal revenue curve faced by the firm causes the reallocation of output between domestic and foreign plants. This reallocation may further decrease the demand for the domestic factor of production.
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Ecónomicas
Juan de Dios Enrique Rosellón Díaz, "Reglas de origen de tratados de libre comercio: efectos sobre el uso de factores internos de la producción". En: Economía Mexicana Nueva Época, volumen III, número 1, enero-junio de 1994, pp 61-92
Aparece en las colecciones: Economía Mexicana. Nueva Época

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