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Buscar por Autor Sauter, M. J. (Michael)

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Mostrando resultados 2 a 14 de 14

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2003Clock watchers and stargazers: Berlin's clocks between science, state and the public sphere at the eighteenth century's endDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2006Clock watchers and stargazers: on time discipline in early-modern BerlinDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2008Conscience and the rhetoric of freedom: Fichte's reaction to the edict on religionDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2006Germans in space: astronomy and anthropologie in the eighteenth centuryDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2011Human space: the rise of Euclidism and the construction of an early-modern world, 1400-1800Documento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2003Preachers, ponytails and enthusiasm: on the limits of publicness in enlightenment PrussiaDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2012Spanning the poles: spatial thought and the global backdrop to our globalizad world, 1450-1850Documento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2011Strangers to the world: astronomy and the birth of anthropology in the eighteenth centuryDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2007The edict on religion of 1788 and the statistics of public discussion in PrussiaDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2006The enlightenment on trial: autonomy, the state and public sphere in eighteenth-century PrussiaDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2010The liminality of man: astronomy and the birth of anthropology in the eighteenth centuryDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2013The renaissance and the round ball: spheres, globes and the early modern spatial imaginationDocumento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-
2002Visions of the enlightenment: Johann Christoph Woellner and Prussia's edict on religion of 1788Documento de trabajoSauter, M. J. (Michael)-